Upload your project to the platform and be part of a global community

We invite cities, local governments, or public servants to share digital transformation projects focusing on human rights that are being implemented or have positively impacted human rights in the digital era.

The projects submitted to this platform could be selected to be presented as outstanding cases of public innovation worldwide, thus contributing to the development and improvement of these initiatives in different countries worldwide.

Those who want to share their project should complete the form.

What are we inviting you to do?

In this opportunity, we invite cities, local governments, or public servants to share digital transformation projects focusing on human rights that are implemented or in the implementation phase.

The projects submitted will be highlighted on this platform as successful experiences for digital transformation and the protection of human rights in the digital era. To do so, you must complete the form and follow the instructions.

The Digital Cities and Rights Platform, a project of CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean together with UN-Habitat, is an online platform to support public officials, specialists, and organisations around the world that are advancing digital transformation processes with a focus on human rights. The platform has the support of the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights, with the goal to share stories of cities advancing digital rights on the ground, to build common frameworks that advance shared understanding of digital human rights in cities and to advocate for the leading role cities can uptake in this field. Unit, a global consultancy firm specialising in public innovation, strategic design, and digital transformation, is collaborating as the entity responsible for the project’s technical direction.

Why participate?

Those who share their rights-based digital transformation projects already implemented or in the process of being implemented will be able to:

  1. Learn
    Participants will have access to a cutting-edge space, learn about advanced examples of good practice, engage with experts on digital rights issues, and strengthen the initiatives of the municipalities in a concrete way.
  2. Inform public policy
    Participants will be able to share their public policy initiatives for digital transformation and receive feedback from field experts by participating in the platform’s mentoring sessions.
  3. Be part of a community of practice
    Public servants who participate by submitting their projects will be part of a community of practice based on collaboration and skills development through interaction with other public servants and specialists who promote digital transformation with a rights-based approach. Through their participation, we build a network that shares knowledge and encourages the protection of human rights in the digital age.

Who can apply?

Any public servant, municipality, or local government that has developed or is developing digital transformation projects or programs and is interested in promoting the development of these strategies in an inclusive manner can participate in these calls.

Register and be part of the community of Cities and Digital Rights

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