Key recommendations: designing and developing AI systems responsibly and ethically for vulnerable and marginalized groups
In the third mentoring session of the Digital Helpdesk for Cities platform, Antoine Congost (IVADO) and Samuel Kohn (Open North) presented the methodology and recommendations from the pilot project in Montréal’s Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood, to investigate if and how artificial intelligence (AI) can benefit vulnerable and marginalized communities. The project demonstrates how the AI risk framework […]
Citizen’s Engagement in Urban Data Initiatives: A typology outlining citizens’ engagement in local data initiatives
As part of the Digital Helpdesk for Cities and the recent launch of the Cities and Digital Human Rights platform, a second mentoring session was held with two policy experts in urban data governance. Simon Chignard and Paul Boettcher, both deeply engaged in exploring how city governments involve citizens in data initiatives and governance practices, […]
Primera mentoría del Digital Helpdesk for Cities incluyó tips para la transformación digital en ciudades inteligentes
A cargo de Héctor Domínguez Aguirre